As a foreign national survivor of trafficking or a survivor pursuing a Certification or Eligibility Letter from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, you may be eligible to receive trauma-informed, comprehensive case management services and needs-based financial assistance. USCRI currently maintains two programs to assist foreign national survivors of trafficking: the Trafficking Victim Assistance Program (TVAP) for adults and the Aspire: Child Trafficking Victim Assistance Program (Aspire) for children (those under the age of 18).
Both TVAP and Aspire can help you stabilize your situation and re-establish your ability to live independently. Services that can be provided to you through TVAP and Aspire include:
- Emergency Needs
- Housing (rent, utilities)
- ESL/Education
- Transportation
- Medical expenses
- Mental health counseling
- Food
- Clothing
- Personal care items
- Obtaining a cell phone
- Legal rights
- Employment
- Life skills training
- Interpretation/Translation
You may be eligible for Aspire if you are a foreign national child (under the age of 18) with a U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Eligibility Letter, an HHS Interim Assistance Letter, or a pending referral to the HHS Office on Trafficking in Persons (OTIP).
You may be eligible for TVAP if you are a foreign national adult (18 and older) who has received an HHS Certification Letter, is seeking an HHS Certification Letter by actively pursuing T nonimmigrant status (a “T-visa”) and/or Continued Presence (CP) issued by DHS, or received an HHS Eligibility Letter as a minor.
Please note that U.S. citizens and lawful permanent residents (LPRs) are not eligible for assistance or services under TVAP or Aspire.
Become a TVAP / Aspire Provider
USCRI is always open to welcoming new service provider partners to its national TVAP and Aspire network. You will join a network of experts who have the resources and training to support survivors of trafficking in your local community. Through partnering with USCRI, you will receive funding to provide survivors of trafficking with case management services and direct financial assistance for client expenses.
The USCRI TVAP & Aspire teams are also available to provide ongoing training and technical assistance to your staff. To apply, please email [email protected] and/or [email protected]. USCRI staff will then review eligibility requirements with your agency and determine whether your agency is a good fit for the TVAP/Aspire programs. USCRI will then provide MOU documentation for your agency to complete, and will provide training to ensure you meet all program expectations.
USCRI has produced a series of toolkits to provide you with the tools and tips you need to provide trauma-informed case management services to foreign national children and youth survivors of trafficking. Please find the toolkits for your reference below.
If you think you are in danger or have an emergency, please call 911 immediately. For other urgent needs, please contact the National Human Trafficking Hotline.
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If you would like more information about TVAP and Aspire, please contact USCRI staff at:
Call: 1-800-307-4712
WhatsApp: 703-328-5724
Email: [email protected] and/or [email protected]