Raising Awareness

USCRI El Salvador conducts outreach activities to families, businesses, and government agencies in order to raise awareness about the phenomenon of youth returnees and how communities can better support them.

Labor Market Insertion

Upon completion of technical training programs, or based on previous professional experience and skills, youth returnees are paired with local businesses for a three-month work placement, for which USCRI provides a half-salary scheme for the employer of the youth returnees.

Technical Training

In collaboration with local NGOs and government agencies, USCRI El Salvador assesses the local market exigencies and interests of returnees before assisting them in identifying relevant training courses so that they may expand their employment opportunities by acquiring competitive skills in the job market.

Case Management

Youth returnees are accompanied by case managers for a five-month period, during which they are provided assistance in career development, technical training, and labor market insertion as well as referrals to education, health, and other social services.