USCRI Twin Falls
The USCRI Twin Falls field office has been welcoming newcomers to Idaho since the early 1980s. Refugees resettled in Twin Falls come primarily from Afghanistan, Burma, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Iraq, and Syria. Newly arrived refugees receive a comprehensive set of services including housing placement, cultural orientation, school enrollment, coordination of initial health appointments, referrals to ESL classes, and employment preparation and placement.
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Phone: 208-736-2166
Fax: 208-736-4711
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Employment, Housing and Interpreting: These services are offered to refugees and survivors of trafficking to help them get back on their feet as quickly as possible.
Legal: The Immigration Legal Services Program offers low-cost, professional legal representation to low-income refugees and immigrants and their families with family- and humanitarian-based immigration matters.
Health and Mental Health: Health services and mental health counseling are provided to refugees, immigrants, unaccompanied minors and survivors of trafficking.
Social Services: Social services may include family support, matching grants, employment, and intensive case management.
Refugee Benefits: Refugees arriving in Twin Falls are eligible for federally prescribed benefits. Eligible families receive medical coverage, extendable for those with children, and food stamps based on income.
Seniors Program: For non-citizen refugees sixty years of age and older. Funding provides services for transportation and interpreters for medical appointments as well as citizenship classes for those approaching five years of residency in the United States.