Volodymyr and his wife Oleksandra arrived in the U.S. as refugees from Ukraine in 2019, after suffering years of persecution because of their religion. “My wife and I are very thankful to USCRI for helping us come to the U.S. and move into our apartment,” he says. Anxious to support themselves, they looked for work […]
Category: USCRI Albany
Private Funders Unite to Support Community Sponsorship of Refugees in the United States
Catalyst Fund announces its inaugural slate of grantees from across the country. March 1, 2021, New York – The first private fund to expand community sponsorship in the United States announced its inaugural slate of grantees today. Eight local community organizations from across the country have been selected. The Community Sponsorship Catalyst Fund, a collaboration supported […]
Sisters Making a Difference Together
Sisters Furaha and Mukanoheli, originally from the Democratic Republic of the Congo, work and learn side by side in our FARM (Fostering Agriculture among Refugee Mentees) program. “I like it, we use teamwork and learn about agriculture,” says Furaha. “I like using the ladder and building the tents,” says Mukanoheli. FARM takes place onsite at the Radix Ecological […]
USCRI Statement on the Inauguration
by Eskinder Negash The solemn pageantry of America’s presidential inaugurations celebrates our long history of democratic transitions following elections. Despite the events of January 6th, the will of the people through a free and fair election has been honored, and we will once again witness the peaceful transfer of power. Democracy is not an […]
Celebrating a First Thanksgiving
This Thanksgiving has been a challenging time for many Americans. The staggering loss of human life due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the damage inflicted to our economy—all occurring within an especially divisive election year—have made this year’s collective expression of giving thanks all the more important. USCRI expressed its gratitude to the people we […]
USCRI Board Member Linda Thomas-Greenfield Appointed As Our Next U.S. Ambassador to the U.N.
USCRI would like to extend its heartfelt congratulations to our board member, Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield, on her appointment to become the next United States Ambassador to the United Nations by President-Elect Joe Biden. USCRI has been honored to have Ambassador Thomas-Greenfield serve on our Board following her long and distinguished career in public service. Her […]
USCRI Expands Work to Mexico in Partnership with Habesha Project
ARLINGTON, VA—Today, the U.S. Committee for Refugees and Immigrants announced its new office that brings critical legal assistance to migrants in the San Diego-Tijuana region. USCRI staff will work on both sides of the US-Mexico border, in partnership with Mexico’s Habesha Project. USCRI’s office will focus on legal aid to help migrants in claims […]
Paying it Back
Below is the story of two refugees, Volodymyr and Philip, whose paths intertwined this year. Their touching story shows how our lives are enriched when we reach out and welcome our new neighbors. Volodymyr and his wife Oleksandra arrived in the U.S. as refugees from Ukraine in December of 2019. “My wife and I are very […]
Moving Forward: Statement by the U.S. Committee for Refugees and Immigrants on the Election
by Eskinder Negash President and CEO Today, with the election behind us and the votes tabulated, America is moving forward. Our vote is our most sacrosanct exercise of American democracy. It is the people’s voice. It is with our vote that we choose who will represent us for the next two years, the next six […]
USCRI Announces A New “Know Your Rights” Toolkit
USCRI’s Know Your Rights toolkit includes a guide for survivors of trafficking and asylum seekers to help them navigate law and immigration enforcement. The contents include: General tips On the street At home In a vehicle If detained Cannabis (marijuana) There is also a handy wallet-sized version in English, Spanish, French, Russian and Ukrainian. Click […]