National Minority Mental Health Awareness Month

Written by: Rosalind Ghafar Rogers, PhD, LMHC, Clinical Behavioral Health Subject Matter Expert with USCRI’s Refugee Health Services in Arlington, VA July is National Minority Mental Health Awareness Month and USCRI recognizes the importance of enhancing public awareness of the unique strengths and mental health challenges that underrepresented and underserved communities of color face and […]

World Refugee Day & International Day in Support of Victims of Torture

Written by: Rosalind Ghafar Rogers, PhD, LMHC, Clinical Behavioral Health Subject Matter Expert  with USCRI’s Refugee Health Services in Arlington, VA    June 20th is World Refugee Day and June 26th is the UN International Day in Support of Victims of Torture. In recognition of both, USCRI celebrates the strength, resilience, and courage of millions […]

Mental Health Awareness Month: Barriers and Access to Mental Health Care

In honor of Mental Health Awareness Month during the month of May, USCRI recognizes the importance of fostering public education and advocating for policies that prioritize the well-being of refugees and other forcibly displaced populations affected by mental health issues and mental disorders. Refugees and other forcibly displaced populations are at a high risk for […]

Mental Health Awareness Month: Managing Occupational Hazards For Refugee Service Providers

In recognition of Mental Health Awareness during the month of May, USCRI recognizes the importance of prioritizing mental health as fundamental to overall well-being, fostering public education, eliminating stigma, and normalizing the practice of taking moments, big and small, to attend to our mental health without feeling shame or guilt. Many refugee service providers enter […]

World Health Day

By: Rosalind Ghafar Rogers, PhD, LMHC, Clinical Behavioral Health Subject Matter Expert with USCRI’s Refugee Health Services in Arlington, VA   As a result of conflicts and natural disasters, the human rights of millions are under threat, including at least 4.5 billion people who did not have full access to essential health services in 2021 […]

Self-Harm Awareness Month

By: Rosalind Ghafar Rogers, PhD, LMHC, Clinical Behavioral Health Subject Matter Expert with USCRI’s Refugee Health Services in Arlington, VA   March is self-harm awareness month. Although less often talked about publicly, it is a common clinical problem that poses a significant public health concern. Research indicates that self-harm occurs in approximately 5% of adults, […]

World Day of Social Justice

By: Rosalind Ghafar Rogers, PhD, LMHC, Clinical Behavioral Health Subject Matter Expert with USCRI’s Refugee Health Services in Arlington, VA   February 20 marks the World Day of Social Justice – a day that recognizes that social justice is inextricably linked to human rights and fundamental freedoms, which in turn are indispensable for the achievement […]

National Mental Wellness Month

January is National Mental Wellness Month. So, what is mental wellness and how does it differ from mental health? Mental health mostly pertains to our brain’s health and our overall functioning, whereas mental wellness is a broader term that covers all aspects of mental, emotional, social, and psychological stability and healthy functioning, recognizing the integrated […]