Policy Brief: Afghans Arriving via the Southern Border

In this Policy and Advocacy brief, policy analyst Daniel Salazar examines the burgeoning trend of Afghans arriving in the United States via the southern border. The brief analyzes the breakdown of other pathways for Afghan nationals and eligibility for resettlement benefits and legal services for this population. Click here to read the full Policy & Advocacy Report by USCRI.

Policy Brief – Vying for Work: Risk Factors, Push Factors, and Human Trafficking

This Policy Brief represents a segment of one chapter in a larger forthcoming report based on a USCRI field visit to Bangladesh in December 2022. This chapter focuses on the evolving human trafficking situation for Rohingya refugees in camps in the Cox’s Bazar district of Bangladesh. For more information on this field visit, read our […]

Policy Brief: Learning for What Future?

USCRI Policy Analyst Aaron Escajeda conducted a field visit to Bangladesh in December 2022 and met with domestic and international NGOs to better understand the context of and humanitarian response to the Rohingya refugee crisis. Additionally, USCRI visited multiple Rohingya refugee camps with Friendship NGO, which allowed USCRI to speak with Rohingya refugees directly as […]

A Systematic Failing for Asylum Seekers

World War II displaced an estimated 60 million individuals. As a result, in the 1951 Refugee Convention and the 1967 Refugee Protocol, the United Nations defined a refugee as a person who is unable or unwilling to return to their home country and cannot obtain protection in that country due to past persecution or a […]

Policy Brief: Waiting for Work Authorization: Survivors of Human Trafficking

While human trafficking spans all demographics, certain factors can place individuals at a higher risk of labor trafficking. Some of these risk factors include recent migration/ relocation history, immigration status, employment in a marginalized or unregulated workforce, having been previously affected by abuse or violence, and poverty. The International Labor Organization (ILO) estimates that 24.9 […]

USCRI Policy Brief: TPD and TPS: The EU and the US Provide Immigration Protection

August 24 marks the six-month anniversary of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, which began on February 24, 2022. Over 6.7 million Ukrainians have fled their country as refugees and another 6.6 million are internally displaced. The EU was fast-acting to protect refugees streaming out of Ukraine. Just over a week after the beginning of the invasion, the Council of the […]

Policy Brief – Improving U.S. Laws and Policies on Labor Trafficking

This week’s policy brief discusses labor trafficking in the context of the United States. Although human trafficking has entered the mainstream consciousness in the United States over the past 25 years, the true magnitude of this crime remains unknown both domestically and internationally. While federal agencies primarily focus on sex trafficking in investigations, some data […]

Policy Brief – The U.K.-Rwanda Deal and Refugee Offshoring

Earlier this year, the United Kingdom and the Republic of Rwanda signed a Memorandum of Understanding. The deal intends to offshore the U.K. asylum process by sending asylum seekers to Rwanda. Offshoring is an increasingly popular strategy in developed countries that is often pitched as a deterrence policy. But as previous examples have shown, offshoring is […]

USCRI Policy Brief – Los Angeles Declaration on Migration & Protection

The Policy and Advocacy Report’s brief looks at the Los Angeles Declaration on Migration and Protection, signed by 20 heads of state from the Americas on June 10 as part of the Ninth Summit of the Americas. The Los Angeles Declaration is an important commitment by governments in the hemisphere to strengthen domestic and international […]