USCRI Policy – Myanmar | Putting a Light to the Overshadowed Crisis

Myanmar has the world’s longest running civil war, with decades of violence mostly isolated to border regions. Myanmar’s military, the Tatmadaw, has a long track record of committing human rights atrocities, escalating humanitarian crises, and using widespread and systematic force in an effort to control the country. Since the coup in February 2021, conflict has […]

USCRI Policy – Addressing Forced Displacement in the Central African Republic (CAR)

On April 28th, the Governments of the Central African Republic (CAR), Cameroon, the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), the Republic of the Congo, Chad, Sudan, and South Sudan, resolved to deliver durable solutions for the 1.4 million Central Africans forcibly displaced by decades of conflict. In partnership with United Nations Refugee agency (UNHCR), the alliance […]

USCRI Policy Brief – New Asylum Rule: More Steps and Shorter Timelines

The new asylum rule has made significant changes to one of the two pathways to asylum in the United States. Most significantly, the new rule establishes a positive credible fear determination as the application for asylum, a new asylum merits interview conducted by an asylum officer (AO), and the use of a status conference in […]

USCRI Brief: How the “Zero Tolerance” Family Separation Policy Harmed Children and Families?

Perhaps ironically – because it is the national holiday of family togetherness – Thanksgiving 2021 marked the fourth anniversary of public knowledge that the U.S. government’s “zero tolerance” policy that separated children from their families. On November 25, 2017, the Houston Chronicle reported that the prior administration had been separating parents who crossed the border […]

Cornered by Conflict: Eritrean Refugees in Northern Ethiopia Need Resettlement in a Safe Third Country

Eritrean refugees remaining in Tigray and other parts of northern Ethiopia are in danger. Various state and regional actors in the ongoing conflict in Tigray view these refugees with suspicion or outright hostility. First-hand witnesses, corroborated by other credible sources, report that Eritrean refugees have been subject to harassment, beatings, forced removal and refoulement, abductions, […]