Discussion on the State of Migration in East and Horn of Africa

July 12, 2023

On July 11, 2023, USCRI had the honor of joining the International Organization for Migration (IOM), the East Africa Community (EAC), and the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) at the United State Institute of Peace for a discussion of the inaugural State of Migration in East and Horn of Africa Report.

This report focuses on the role of regional integration in advancing safe, orderly, and regular human mobility in the East and Horn of Africa region (EHoA) with a look towards policy and action. As one of the first comprehensive reports on this region, this represents an important turning point in how we think about migration and the opportunities it presents for the EHoA region.

This region has suffered more genocide than anywhere else in the world and is home to refugee camps where families have lived for generations, without access to education, employment, and freedom of movement. With this history, the importance of regional cooperation and international support cannot be understated, nor can the potential of the region.

Among the benefits of safe, regular, and ordinary migration, as written in this report, are enabling free trade, labor, inclusive health systems, and addressing gender gaps and challenges to the integration agenda.

“Our hope is that after 70 years of refugee warehousing in Somalia, in Eritrea, and in other places, it is about time we take this report and we support this report. The ideas in this report are something worth considering and supporting. I think this is the right time, with new leadership we believe we can change this dynamic and give refugees the right to work, the right to move, the right to own property, and to have the dignity that they deserve as human beings,” said USCRI President and CEO Eskinder Negash, in an introductory speech for the event.

USCRI has long been a proud advocate for displaced people and their right to live safe, dignified lives in communities of opportunity and so we are excited by the opportunities represented in this report.

We will continue to monitor the situation in the EHoA and support the work of these organizations. We hope to see the implementation of new policies and the celebration of displaced people and their rights.


Watch the full event recording here:

Click here to read the report.

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