USCRI Commends the Current Administration for Ending Title 42

April 1, 2022

Today, the Current Administration announced the end of the use of Title 42, an obscure provision of public health law that allowed border officials to rapidly expel asylum seekers and migrants to Mexico or their home countries with no due process. The policy was originally implemented in March 2020 under the Trump Administration. The end of the use of Title 42 will be implemented on May 23. USCRI commends the decision to end Title 42, an illegal and inhumane policy that violated the rights of asylum seekers. For the last two years, USCRI’s office in Tijuana, Mexico has assisted asylum seekers at the U.S.-Mexico border.

“The end of Title 42 is a first step towards creating a fair and orderly asylum system that respects the right of people fleeing persecution to not be returned to danger,” USCRI CEO and President Eskinder Negash said. “While we welcome the end of Title 42, we continue to urge for the termination of the Migrant Protection Protocols (MPP) that leave migrants and asylum seekers vulnerable in Mexico, and for the creation of better asylum processes.”

Title 42 has reaped irreparable harm to migrants and asylum seekers. In the last two years, there were roughly 90,000 Title 42 expulsions a month. Human Rights First documented over 8,700 cases of kidnapping, torture, trafficking, and rape against individuals expelled under Title 42. At least 20,000 Haitians were expelled or deported by the Current Administration on over 200 flights. USCRI therefore applauds this decision while recognizing the continued need for a better asylum system.

USCRI, founded in 1911, is a non-governmental, not-for-profit international organization committed to working on behalf of refugees and immigrants and their transition to a dignified life.

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