USCRI Commends TPS Extension and Redesignation for Haiti

June 28, 2024

The U.S. Committee for Refugees and Immigrants (USCRI) commends today’s decision by the current administration to extend and redesignate Temporary Protected Status (TPS) for Haiti for 18 months. The TPS extension will continue to protect current beneficiaries until February 3, 2026, and the TPS redesignation could safeguard an estimated 309,000 eligible Haitian nationals residing in the United States.

Killings, abductions, sexual violence, and other grave abuses perpetrated by gangs in Haiti continue with impunity as over 80 percent of Port-au-Prince is controlled by these armed groups. High levels of violence have fueled mass displacement, with over 578,000 people now internally displaced in the country.

“A safe and dignified return to Haiti is impossible with the ongoing humanitarian and protection crisis,” said USCRI President and CEO Eskinder Negash. “Today’s decision by the current administration is a critical step to protect Haitians from harm.”

The extension and redesignation of TPS for Haiti resulted from tireless efforts by advocates and community members who called on the Administration to uphold its obligations to protect and save Haitian lives. In March 2024, USCRI joined 481 immigration, human rights, and other civil society organizations in a letter calling on the current administration to extend and redesignate Haiti for TPS and indefinitely halt deportations and maritime forced returns to Haiti.

“Although the Administration’s decision to extend and redesignate TPS for Haiti is one we applaud, the United States continues to make a conscious choice to return Haitians to danger by conducting deportations and maritime forced returns,” stated Negash. “We have also witnessed the Administration make unjust choices to shut down the mechanism for asylum seekers and others seeking refuge in the United States. These decisions have human consequences and will leave many, including Haitians, to suffer.”

USCRI implores the current administration to immediately halt deportations and maritime forced returns to Haiti; expand and expedite parole to Haitians; and refuse any plan to hold and process Haitian migrants and asylum seekers at Guantanamo Bay. We must stand with the people of Haiti, not deport them.


USCRI, founded in 1911, is a non-governmental, not-for-profit international organization committed to working on behalf of refugees and immigrants and their transition to a dignified life.


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