CALL TO ACTION – Mariposas de la Frontera: Uplifting the Stories of Asylum Seekers at the U.S.- Mexico Border

October 21, 2024

CALL TO ACTION –Mariposas de la Frontera: Uplifting the Stories of Asylum Seekers at the U.S.-Mexico Border

Join USCRI & IINE in uplifting the voices of #lasmariposasdelafrontera, asylum seekers at the U.S.-Mexico border!

Over the past two years, the U.S. Government has made considerable changes to asylum and migrant processing at the southern U.S. border. Most recently, on June 4, 2024, the President issued an Executive Proclamation on “Securing the Border,” which built upon previous regulations to effectively close the U.S.-Mexico border to asylum seekers and other migrants.

While the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) reported a significant decrease in apprehension as a measure of success, these policies ignore the experiences of asylum seekers facing the inhumane consequences of these changes to the asylum system.

On their visit to the U.S.-Mexico border in July, USCRI and IINE staff heard directly from asylum seekers who could not make their claim for asylum in the United States because of long wait times for a chance to speak with border officials. They also heard about cartels, human smugglers, and other criminal organizations preying on asylum seekers caught in the bureaucratic post-Proclamation asylum process. The stories of asylum seekers confirmed that current U.S. policy places asylum seekers at risk for further victimization.



How You Can Support Asylum Seekers


1.Uplift asylum seekers’ stories on social media: 

Example Posts:


Seeking asylum is a human right. U.S. policy has created dangerous and inhumane conditions for those already fleeing violence and persecution. Learn how you can help #saveasylum and uplift the voices of asylum seekers: www.refugees.org/mariposas/


#mariposasdelafrontera #uplifttheirvoices #saveasylum






Go beyond the numbers, and give voice to the countless asylum seekers facing targeted violence and extortion because of the most recent #asylumban. Join us in uplifting the voices of asylum seekers and immigrants! Share their story #uplifttheirvoices: www.refugees.org/mariposas/


#mariposasdelafrontera #uplifttheirvoices #saveasylum






Did you know asylum seekers wait up to 9 months in Mexico for a chance to speak with border officials? After traveling months through dangerous terrain, facing extortion, kidnappings, and violence along the way, asylum seekers remain in jeopardy while awaiting an appointment through the CBP One App. Read the @/USCRI and @/IINE’s report to learn more about their experience: www.refugees.org/mariposas/

#mariposasdelafrontera #uplifttheirvoices #saveasylum






Everyone has the right to seek asylum. But current U.S. policies limit access to and place conditions on asylum. They create inhumane consequences for adults, families, and children stranded in Mexico. Join us and #uplifttheirvoices


#mariposasdelafrontera #uplifttheirvoices #saveasylum







The abandonment of LGBTQIA+ asylum seekers at the U.S.-Mexico border stands in defiance of international laws as well as domestic aspirations.


#mariposasdelafrontera #uplifttheirvoices #saveasylum






You can download the Mariposas de la Frontera, social media tool kit here.


2.Tell your U.S. Senators to pass the Destination Reception Assistance Act.

VOTE YES ✅ The Destination Reception Assistance Act.

Congress has not passed meaningful immigration legislation to meet the realities of migration. As a result, states, cities, and communities have often lacked the needed infrastructure and federal support to effectively and humanely welcome asylum seekers and other new arrivals.

It is crucial to support local communities at the forefront of welcoming asylum seekers and other new arrivals. The Destination Reception Assistance Act offers a humane alternative to the border enforcement policies in recent regulations.


3. Welcome Newcomers:

Donate to El Jardín de las Mariposas to help provide shelter, care, safety, and resources for vulnerable LGBTQIA+ asylum seekers in Mexico fleeing violence and persecution.

Volunteer your time and skills to local organizations—like the International Institute of New England and USCRI field offices nationwide—that help asylum seekers and other new arrivals or donate in-kind support.




Las Mariposas De la Frontera

Read Mariposas de la Frontera: Uplifting the Stories of Asylum Seekers at the U.S.- Mexico Border here.







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