USCRI Responds to Congress’ Failure to Vote on Afghan Adjustment Act

The U.S. Committee for Refugees and Immigrants (USCRI) is dismayed the Afghan Adjustment Act (AAA) did not receive a vote in the omnibus spending package before Congress this week. This end-of-the-year vote in the U.S. Senate was an excellent opportunity to ensure lasting protections for tens of thousands of Afghan parolees. Today, leadership in the […]

Help Us Extend a Warm Welcome to Refugee Families

All of us here at USCRI Detroit would like to extend our gratitude to those who have contacted us asking how they can help refugee families. To make a donation to help us build capacity and expand our services for arriving refugee families, click on the blue Donate to USCRI Detroit button on the main […]

Help Us Extend a Warm Welcome to Afghan Allies

All of us here at USCRI Vermont would like to extend our gratitude to the Vermonters in all corners of the state who have contacted us asking how they can help Afghan families. We are expecting to welcome 100 Afghans to Vermont and are working hard to prepare for their arrival in the coming months. […]

USCRI Joins Welcome.US to Mobilize Support for Afghan Refugees in United States

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE  Resettlement agencies, Afghan-American organizations, businesses, veterans, faith leaders, human rights organizations, governors, mayors, and more also involved in nationwide, bipartisan effort Arlington, VA— The U.S. Committee for Refugees and Immigrants joins a new national organization called Welcome.US to mobilize the American people to welcome our new Afghan neighbors. Welcome.US provides a single […]

USCRI Snapshot: Humanitarian Parole for Afghan Evacuees

The Biden Administration is currently evacuating tens of thousands of Afghans from Kabul. Many Afghans are entering the United States on “humanitarian parole,” which allows individuals in urgent situations to enter the United States when they are not otherwise eligible. This Policy Snapshot by USCRI explains parole in the immigration context, the role of humanitarian […]

USCRI Urges the Biden Administration to Continue Evacuations from Afghanistan

For Immediate Release August 24, 2021 Arlington, VA– This very moment, tens of thousands of Afghans are desperately trying to flee the fundamentalist and oppressive rule of the Taliban, and resettle in the United States. Yet, the deteriorating security situation in Afghanistan, particularly in the capital city of Kabul, has made it extremely challenging for […]

Not a Numbers Game: Human Faces of the Crisis in Afghanistan

Many of us have been shaken by recent news of the deteriorating situation in Afghanistan. As news outlets report staggering numbers of people in danger, it can be easy to decontextualize those large figures from the humans they reflect. USCRI, and other refugee resettlement agencies and human rights organizations across the United States, have received […]

Safety and Fairness for Afghans under the Special Immigrant Visa Program

On June 4, both Republican and Democratic lawmakers and a group of over 70 NGOs, including the U.S. Committee for Refugees and Immigrants (USCRI), sent letters to President Biden urging him to protect U.S.- affiliated Afghans in the wake of U.S. troop withdrawal. Currently, around 18,000 Afghan nationals who have provided service to the U.S. […]

USCRI Joins 70 Organizations Supporting Afghan SIVs and their Evacuation

Currently, around 18,000 Afghan nationals who have provided service to the U.S. government, and an additional 53,000 of their family members, are stuck in limbo in the special immigrant visa pipeline. The U.S. has an obligation to assist our Afghan allies immediately before they are subjected to Taliban violence. USCRI joins 70 community-based organizations, human […]