Inauguration of the New USCRI Office for Latin America and the Caribbean

Last month, young refugees from South Sudan, Syria, Colombia, Honduras, and Venezuela, now studying and residing in Mexico, gathered in Barrio de la Estación, Aguascalientes, to celebrate the inauguration of the U.S. Committee for Refugees and Immigrants Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean (USCRI). USCRI´s Senior Vice President, AnnaMarie Bena, introduced the office […]

REDII – Retorno seguro, digno y reintegración sustentable

Desde 2015, USCRI El Salvador proporciona a jóvenes salvadoreños retornados las herramientas necesarias para reconstruir sus vidas con éxito y contribuir al desarrollo económico en su país de origen. Reconociendo la necesidad de servicios de reintegración integral en varios países centroamericanos con patrones migratorios similares, USCRI se expandió en 2022 a San Pedro Sula, Honduras, […]

REDII – Safe, Dignified Return and Sustainable Reintegration

Since 2015, USCRI El Salvador has equipped Salvadoran youth returnees with the tools they need to successfully rebuild their lives and contribute to economic development in their country of origin. After recognizing the need for holistic reintegration services in several Central American countries with similar migration trends, USCRI expanded to San Pedro Sula, Honduras in […]

Welcoming Communities

Student initiatives and refugee leadership on campus.   Around Mexico, the Welcoming Communities program seeks to create safe, inclusive and intercultural host communities and advocate for the rights of migrants and asylum seekers. Through an allied university network and local student communities, USCRI Mexico builds youth and refugee-led leadership on migration issues, empowering both refugees […]

Comunidades de Bienvenida

Iniciativas estudiantiles y liderazgo de los refugiados en el campus.   A lo largo de todo México, el programa Comunidades de Bienvenida busca crear comunidades anfitrionas seguras, inclusivas e interculturales, además de defender los derechos de los migrantes y solicitantes de asilo. A través de una red de universidades aliadas y comunidades estudiantiles locales, USCRI […]

US-MX Border Legal Clinic

Addressing the legal needs of migrants at the U.S.-Mexico Border.   In Tijuana, Mexico, the U.S.-Mexico Border Program forges alliances with Mexican government agencies, service providers and migrant shelters. USCRI Mexico partners with these institutions to deliver quality, specialized services to migrants in their local communities. Moreover, our legal clinic offers legal counseling and information […]

Programa Frontera Mexico-Estados Unidos

Atender las necesidades jurídicas de los migrantes en la frontera entre Estados Unidos y México.   En Tijuana, México, el Programa Frontera México-Estados Unidos forja alianzas con organismos gubernamentales mexicanos, proveedores de servicios y albergues para migrantes. USCRI México se asocia con estas instituciones para ofrecer servicios especializados y de calidad a los migrantes en […]

Projecto Habesha

Oportunidades de educación superior en México para refugiados de todo el mundo   Los programas Habesha Vías Complementarias y Habesha Américas fomentan oportunidades de educación superior para jóvenes desplazados y refugiados de todo el mundo. En colaboración con el Gobierno de México y el Alto Comisionado de las Naciones Unidas para los Refugiados (ACNUR), ambos […]

Habesha Project

Higher education opportunities in Mexico for refugees from around the world. Higher education opportunities in Mexico for refugees from around the world The Habesha Complementary Pathways and Habesha Americas programs promote higher education opportunities to young, displaced persons and refugees from around the world. In partnership with the Mexican Government and the United Nations High […]

USCRI Expands Programming in Mexico

ARLINGTON, VA – The U.S. Committee for Refugees and Immigrants (USCRI) is pleased to announce expanded programming and the opening of its regional office for Latin America and the Caribbean in Aguascalientes, Mexico. These programs will focus on refugee resettlement in Mexico combined with higher education and building relationships with local universities and their communities. […]