Recovering Childhood Report: An Update on Children in Kenya’s Refugee Camps

October 3, 2024

In December 2023, the U.S. Committee for Refugees and Immigrants (USCRI) published its report, Recovering Childhood: Access to Education & Protection for Children in Kenya’s Refugee Camps, following field visits to Dadaab and Kakuma refugee camps and Kalobeyei Settlement. During the visits, USCRI Policy Analyst Victoria Walker examined the experiences of refugee children in the camps and assessed their access to education and child protection services within the camps. The report presented key findings from the field visits, including the unique challenges faced by refugee girls. Since the report’s publication, conditions in the region have worsened, as have conditions in the camps. The refugee populations in both Kakuma and Dadaab have increased, including the number of children living in the camps.

The following report addendum presents updated information on the key areas of children’s protection and wellbeing in Dadaab, Kakuma, and Kalobeyei—access to food, water, shelter, and education, as well as menstrual hygiene products for girls. It underscores the impact on mental health, including suicide and suicide attempts by children, resulting from hopelessness and lack of necessities for survival. The addendum also provides updates on the Keep Girls Dreaming initiative launched by USCRI in October 2023 in response to menstrual health needs identified during the 2023 field visits.


 Children’s Recovery USCRI Policy Analyst Victoria Walker with children in the Kalobeyei Reception Centre.- Photo: UNHCR



Click here to read the full addendum.


 Children’s Recovery in Kenya’s

About Recovering Childhood Report: An Update on Children in Kenya’s Refugee Camps:

This is an addendum to the December 2023 report “Recovering Childhood: Access to Education & Protection for Children in Kenya’s Refugee Camps” (click to read)







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