URGENT ACTION: Keep America’s Refugee Resettlement Program Alive!

October 28, 2020

The refugee admissions goal for next fiscal year was just officially set at 15,000—the lowest level in U.S. history—and is restricting refugee arrivals based on limited categories of persecution and country of origin, meaning even fewer than 15,000 refugees will actually be resettled.

The United States has long been a leader in refugee resettlement, but this year’s admissions goal jeopardizes that status. For nearly four decades, the annual goal has averaged 95,000 refugees. Today, there are 29.6 million refugees worldwide—but refugees are more than just a global figure; they are families torn apart, children who have witnessed profound violence and people seeking a chance to rebuild their lives and raise a family in safety.

As people who care about refugees, we must make our voices heard and tell both the White House and Congress that the admissions goal must be drastically increased. We must return refugee admissions to historic norms and set a refugee admissions goal of 95,000—and expand the categories of refugees who can be welcomed.


Click here to contact your 2 Senators and 1 Representative by phone or via email. For emails, please insert your City or Town in the brackets.

Sample Script: “I’m your constituent from [CITY/TOWN], and I urge you to protect the resettlement of refugee program. The historically-low refugee admissions goal at 15,000 for FY 2021 harmfully restricts refugee arrivals based on limited categories of persecution and country of origin. This means that even fewer than 15,000 refugees will actually be resettled. Congress must act.

I urge you to issue public statements urging the administration to resettle 95,000 refugees in 2021. You must ensure that the administration will rebuild the resettlement program to historic norms and expand the categories of refugee admissions to include all other refugees.

Our country can – and should – safely resettle more refugees and reunite more families. Refugees contribute to this country in many ways in ordinary times, and have continued to show up for their new communities during the COVID-19 crisis. Many refugees are working on the frontlines, including 176,000 serving as healthcare workers and 175,000 working in the food supply chain. My community welcomes refugees, and I urge you to reflect the best of our nation by supporting resettlement of refugee.”

Amplify on Social Media: After you have contacted your Members of Congress, encourage others to take action by taking to social media. Tag your Members of Congress for extra impact. Access their Twitter handles here. Find sample social  below, or create your own using the hashtags #WeAreWelcomers #Welcome95k.

  • .[@memberofcongress]: I’m outraged at the new historically-low refugee admissions goal of just 15K. Please intervene and show your support for resettlement of refugee! #Welcome95k #WeAreWelcomers
  • .[@memberofcongress]: The new record-low refugee admissions goal goes against America’s status as a leader in resettlement of refugee. Please condemn the dismantling of the life-saving resettlement program and tell the administration to #Welcome95k refugees in FY21. #WeAreWelcomers
  • .[@memberofcongress]: Thousands of refugee families are being torn apart because America has closed its doors on them. Please show your support for resettlement of refugee and advocate for to increase the record-low refugee admissions goal of 15K. #WeAreWelcomers #Welcome95k


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