USCRI Supports UK Court Ruling Against Deportation of Asylum Seekers to Rwanda

By USCRI November 16, 2023

The U.S. Committee for Refugees and Immigrants (USCRI) agrees with the recent decision by the Supreme Court of the United Kingdom (UKSC) that it is unlawful to send asylum seekers to Rwanda to have their asylum claims considered there instead of the UK. Notably, the ruling stated that the removal of the claimants to Rwanda would expose them to a real risk of refoulement, which is prohibited under international law.  


“We commend the UKSC for prioritizing the rights of asylum seekers in a time where the right to asylum is consistently questioned and attacked.” 


“This decision reminds us of the important standard of non-refoulement, established decades ago in the 1951 Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees and reiterated in the 1967 Refugee Protocol,” USCRI CEO and President Eskinder Negash said. “We commend the UKSC for prioritizing the rights of asylum seekers in a time where the right to asylum is consistently questioned and attacked.” 

USCRI believes that the right to seek asylum is fundamental and urges the United States and other global leaders to follow this example of prioritizing human rights in asylum policies, ensuring the safety and dignity of displaced individuals. Moreover, USCRI encourages UK institutions to continue safeguarding these rights and comply with established standards of international protection. 


USCRI, founded in 1911, is a non-governmental, not-for-profit international organization committed to working on behalf of refugees and immigrants and their transition to a dignified life. 


For press inquiries, please contact: [email protected]. 

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