Policy Brief: The Largest Humanitarian Needs of 2024

The United Nations (UN) and partner organizations estimate that 299.4 million people will need humanitarian assistance and protection in 2024. These needs are driven by conflict, the climate crisis, and economic factors, according to the Global Humanitarian Overview, the annual assessment of worldwide humanitarian needs and how to address them. This report will provide brief […]

Policy Brief: The Largest Child Displacement Crisis in the World

Today, children are engulfed in conflicts and crises around the world. Within situations of armed conflict, children suffer immense consequences of wars they had no hand in creating. In these contexts, children often endure some of the most severe acts of violence, encounter extreme protection risks, and are deprived of their basic rights. Conflict and […]

Policy Brief: Let us not Forget that Asylum is a Human Right

In anticipation of Human Rights Day on December 10, Policy Analyst Aaron Nodjomian-Escajeda discusses the United States’ responsibility in upholding the rights outlined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights as an original contributor and emphasizes that the right to asylum, which is currently under attack in the United States and abroad, is a fundamental […]

The 2023 Global Refugee Forum

From December 13 to 15, the Global Refugee Forum (GRF) will be held in Geneva, Switzerland. It is the largest international gathering on refugees and forcibly displaced persons, bringing together national governments, refugees, local authorities, international organizations, civil society, and members of the private sector. This is only the second GRF ever hosted. The first […]

Policy Brief: “The Abyss of Despair” – A Need to Act for Haiti and Its Children

Often far removed from the headlines is a humanitarian crisis worsening by the day: the situation in Haiti. In recent months, a resurgence of armed violence has plagued daily life in Haiti with brutality and insecurity, particularly in the capital of Port-au-Prince and neighboring areas. It is estimated that over 200 gangs currently operate throughout […]

Policy Brief: Dignity Beyond Borders- Stories that Surpass Adversity

In the field of migration, there is a tendency to focus on suffering as we bring awareness to the human rights abuses, wars and conflicts, economic disparities, and climate disasters that push people to leave their homes in search of safety and security. But there is another side to stories of displacement: triumph in the […]

Policy Brief: Ukrainians Fleeing Russia’s War Cut Off from U.S. Support

Tens of thousands of Ukrainians have arrived in the United States since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine began in February 2022. As the war continues and Russian attacks on civilians escalate, Ukrainians continue to seek safety and protection in the United States on a daily basis. However, the safety net available to Ukrainians arriving in the […]

Policy Brief: Her Dreams to Achieve: Ensuring Protection and Education for Refugee Girls

In August and September 2023, USCRI Policy Analyst Victoria Walker travelled to Kenya to visit both Dadaab and Kakuma refugee camps with an aim to better understand the experiences of refugee children in the camps and to examine access to education and child protection services within the camps. This week’s Policy and Advocacy report presents […]

Policy Brief: Searching for Hope in the Mediterranean Dashed by EU’s Shirking Responsibility

In this week’s Policy and Advocacy Report, in anticipation of an upcoming field visit to better understand the plight of asylum seekers along the Eastern Mediterranean route and their integration in Greece, Policy Analyst Aaron Nodjomian-Escajeda provides background information on migration in the region as well as its associated policies and challenges. Click here to read […]

Policy Brief: At Home and Abroad, Afghans Need Protections Two Years After Taliban Takeover

To mark the two-year anniversary of the Taliban takeover of Afghanistan, policy analyst Daniel Salazar summarizes the successes and failures in U.S. policies to protect at-risk Afghans, including U.S. refugee admissions, special immigrant visas, the Afghan Adjustment Act proposed in Congress, asylum, re-parole, Temporary Protected Status, and Special Student Relief. Click here to read the full Policy […]